A review by seeinghowitgoes
Feedback by Mira Grant


There's always more than one side to every story and here we're exploring the other side of the political campaign with Governor Susan Kilburn and her team of bloggers. Perhaps it's because I've read the series a few times now, but I wasn't really clamouring for this side of the story, the team as enchanting as they are, Aislinn (Irwin), her girlfriend Audrey (Fictional), her husband (Newsie) and Mat (Beauty Blogger/Techie) feel a bit contrived with a poly/lesbian trio, black, asian, white/irish and non-binary characters all thrown in the mix.

The truth is, it's a bit of a slow burn that really feels like it kicks in just after the halfway mark of the story and we're kicked out of the political sphere of things. Not to add any spoilers but anyone looking for the Masons will be sorely disappointed, though there are a few of the usual suspects floating around.

I love this series and all of it's characters, but right now I feel as though I could have stopped after Rise and been happy. I enjoyed the book but not sure what it added to the universe for me.