A review by eviec123
Introducing Marxism: A Graphic Guide by Rupert Woodfin

challenging medium-paced


i bought this as i’m relatively new to the left and wanted to read something that breaks down complex concepts simply. if that’s what you want, save your money and don’t get it. 
to start, it was fairly ok but after about half way through, i was already getting frustrated as it says some things that are clearly the authors own opinions with no reasoning (eg markets are the most efficient way to distribute resources) or just none issues, and also says some things that are blatantly incorrect no argument about it (eg it gets the dates karl leibknecht was alive just wrong? if i hadn’t already had some background knowledge on the spartacists then i wouldn’t have known this, so i won’t be surprised if there are more examples of this, with things that matter more in underpinning the arguments made, that i haven’t picked up on. really made me question the reliability of the book).
i only finished it really so i could leave a fairer review and all i can really say is that it got worse. the second to last sentence in the book literally says that anti-imperialism has had is day… yeah give this a skip. i’m just glad i got it half price

(the main reason i tagged it as challenging was just because it was hard to get through all the bullshittery. some bits were just poorly explained too though)