A review by skycrane
Agent Running in the Field by John le Carré


I was introduced to le Carre with Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, and though I enjoyed that a lot, I had trouble getting into the sequels, and I'd read basically none of his other novels until this one caught my eye. The main narrative of this book is presented as an explanation or self-justification for the protagonist's unfortunate connection with a young man he befriends. This makes the novel into a funny sort of mystery. Instead of the classic spy novel setup where there's a double agent or some nefarious plot, instead there's an implied bureaucratic clusterfuck down the line, and you've got to sort out how exactly our hero got dragged into a position where'd he be sat down to explain how he met his badminton partner, with his career depending on his answers.

In general, this novel is very little about the foreign threats to Britain and how its intelligence services react to them, and very much about how the people within those services deal with the demands placed upon them. Bright, ambitious young people join up and are expected to lie to, blackmail, bribe, compromise, and otherwise manipulate strangers. They are expected to do all these morally reprehensible things without qualms in service of their country's interests, even when those national interests can change radically from year to year depending on who's in charge.