A review by ella_smith_
Bookishly Ever After by Lucy Powrie


I read the the first book in the Paper and Hearts Society series when I was going through a hard time in my life. I remember my mum bought it for me on impulse when she had to take a friend an hour drive away because her car was broken. They stopped at a bookstore and my mum thought that the book sounded like something I would like. She was so right.

I came home from school and found the book sitting on the kitchen table. I read the blurb and instead of adding it to my TBR, I read to straight away. I even set my alarm clock early the next morning so I could read it as soon as I could.

Tabby was a character who I connected with deeply. She was exactly who I needed to read at that point in my life and not many fictional characters help me figure out who I am but she did.

I feel like crying writing this because I know it’s just a book but I read this when I was in a hard place and I just don’t want to let go of it.

I left such a crappy review for the first book when really it’s one of my favourite books of all time. I guess I didn’t feel like it was possible for a book to have such an impact on you, but this book did.

Medoran Chronicles was a book series I read before Paper and hearts and I can’t express how those so different books helped me. Medoran Chronicles made me realise that I shouldn’t be keeping negative things in my life for the purpose of not wanting to let them go and after that I made some changes in my life. But the paper and hearts society made me realise how to deal with the change. It made me realise that I was valued as a person and even after I made a big change, I was still me and it reminded me I’ll be able to adjust to the change.

Read with Pride, while not meaning as much to me as it could have meant for others. It was a book that made me realise how much I should value what struggles I don’t have to go through. I can always find a book that reflects what I want in a romance, but for some people it’s so hard and I hope that they can feel valued as a reader and person.

Now this book, I loved reading but the last three chapters made me so sad. Not a crying sad, but an empty sad. I felt empty, like I had lost important people in my life. And that took me back full circle to the first book. The first book where I was dealing with change of the people in my life. I don’t know if any series will connect to me on such a level as this one has.

But Ed, Henry, Olivia, Cassie, Tabby and now Hannah, all the helped me in some sort of way. They made me value what I had in life and cut out toxic people who made me feel worse about myself.

Through Tabby helping me with my own anxiety’s, Olivia proving to me I can stand up to others and Ed helping me realise that dealing with complicated feelings is normal and can be helped. I thank them for everything.

Even Cassie who showed me that you shouldn’t judge people based off first impressions and Henry who showed me that being their for your friends is so important even if you aren’t the funny or loud one. And Hannah who made me realise that friendships can develop into such amazing things.

Friendship. I learnt throughout this whole book that friendship can get you through hard times. Friendships can help you when you need them. All you need to do is to let them help you. I think to how my life is now, everyday I have a happy moment. Whether it was on Thursday when I was doing trivia with my friends in the library , or on Friday when two boys in my class and I were having a great discussion about a chair. I have learnt from this book that I should value these moments.

Now, this is a lot and people could say I’m overreacting and it’s just a book. But without this book, I wouldn’t have gained such wonderful new friendships and valued all the great moments in life that I would have taken for granted.

So, to the Paper and Hearts Society and the lovely author Lucy Powrie, I leave you with this...

Thank you for everything, I have learnt so much from this book and it’s helped through a hard time in my life and made me the person who I am today, so thank you.

Thank you so much