A review by dwheeler88
Daring to Hope: Finding God's Goodness in the Broken and the Beautiful by Katie Davis Majors

I can’t say I “liked” this book, although I didn’t dislike it either. The book is much less like a story and much more like a sermon. The contrast between Kisses from Katie and Daring to Hope can be summed up on page 98:

“...early on in my adult life, God have me some pretty extraordinary things to do. I had a large family, and I directed a large and growing-larger ministry, leading a huge team to serve more than a thousand families. These endeavors were easy to write stories about, and as I looked at the results, it was easy to believe that He was using me as He accomplished extraordinary things in, through, and all around me. By contrast, in these recent months, God had been teaching me the extraordinary strength it takes just to be ordinary.”

This book focuses much more on Katie’s struggle with day to day challenges. With death and poverty. With her faith. We don’t learn much more about her family, in fact, those details are exceedingly sparse.

But if a faith sermon is what you’re looking for, and inspiration that God is good when life sucks, this book is for you.