A review by amongstchaosshereads
Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau

'You won't find out if you give up. ' Because that is what it comes down to with melancholia and despair: just as other people lie when they tell you things always get better, your mind lies when it tells you that it doesn't. The only way to know is to stay and find out ... as hard as it might be.”

This was SO good .. I absolutely bloody loved it!!

I loved the mix of the horror elements and fantasy. It was the perfect blend of the two!
The world building blew me away - I could literally picture everything so SO vividly!
The plot was interesting and compelling - I have never read anything like it before.
The magic systems and the dream worlds was fascinating.
The characterisation was just utterly brilliant - Dreams of the dying is quite a slow burn, character driven book so may not be for everyone but for me it was just