A review by books_and_planners
The End of Everything by Megan Abbott


This book was just ok for me. The plot was good...but had a bunch of unusual aspects as well. Like it had potential to be a really good crime/mystery, but was too focused on something else.
The writing style was not for me. I can’t quite describe it, but it was almost like the author tried too hard to be too descriptive or something? I mean, this is supposed to be from the perspective of a thirteen year old, yet I don’t know what teenage girl talks or thinks like this. I know I didn’t at thirteen.
So Lizzie’s friend Evie disappears one afternoon & Lizzie is trying to put the puzzle pieces together to help find her. Great plot to a crime story. There was just so much twisted into the story about the things Lizzie is feeling about her own body & strange interactions with grown men - I don’t know, it was just weird at times. I had several different hunches on what was really happening, waiting on some big twist, but what I was expecting never really happened. But maybe it could have? Some questions were left unanswered which drove me nuts.
Then you throw Evie’s older sister, Dusty, into the mix so it really makes things complex.
The plus side is this was a shorter book, so it was a pretty quick read.