A review by ethannku
My Flawless Life by Yvonne Woon


After her father was arrested for a hit-and-run two years ago, "fixing" has become Hana Yang Lerner's only relevance at St. Francis Academy. That isn't to say she's completely devoid of status: she can bury any secret, fix any mistake, anything that her client wants. So when she gets a job from the anonymous "Three" to tail her former best friend, she thinks it'll be another run-of-the-mill fix. Things become more complicated when another former friend gets involved, and then even moreso as the mystery drags them deeper and deeper into the secrets of St. Francis Academy. But the students of St. Francis aren't the only ones keeping secrets, and as the case progresses, Hana's own become closer to discovery than she expects.

Wow. Wow. This book... w o w. Reading this book most closely aligned with my experience reading Ace of Spades (by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé, also a stellar book), which is to say, I was *freaking out* the whole time. The mystery of who Three was and what they wanted Hana to discover drew me in from the very beginning, and I actually yelled at the plot twists. I can't say much more than that without spoiling but oh lord. It was so engaging, I actually couldn't put it down (I read this book in three hours over two days, btw). The different elements and characters weaved together so perfectly, and I will definitely remember this as one of the tightest novels I've ever read. I highly, HIGHLY, recommend to anyone who likes mysteries, stories set at elite boarding schools, or explorations of what it means to be a good person.

(Also the relationship between James and Hana was so sweet and I love James so so much, the world doesn't deserve him <3)

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for an eARC of this book, all opinions are my own.