A review by stripe_la
Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America by Margot Adler



I have been reading this book for. a. year. a whole YEAR. And what a year its been, however relevant the book is to that.

I don't have a whole lot to say about this book but I do feel a review is in order considering how long I've been reading this for.

First of all, I'm glad I got through it. I didn't read the appendixes, just skimmed, but I'm not gonna be too hard on myself. Finishing this book weirdly feels like a little weight lifted off my shoulders.

This book has a shit ton of information. If you want to know everything about paganism in the late 20th century, this book is five stars, 100%. For me personally, this was a lot of stuff I didn't really need to know, or at this stage particularly care about a huge amount (however useful it now is to at least have some cool context and understanding of when paganism came into its own). Its also very much based on paganism as a religion, and not just witchcraft, ALLLL the religions that come under paganism, from feminist covens to sci-fi based churches. So if you're looking for a book on basic witchcraft, this ain't it.

Also one thing that may seem obvious given the title, most of the stuff in here is based on america, some stuff which you can apply to paganism worldwide, but stuff on specific groups and festivals etc (which makes up a big chunk of the book) is obviously based around america so may be irrelevant to some people (me). I guess when starting this I didn't realise so much would be on specific covens, I thought it would be an indepth look at paganism as a whole, instead its a deep dive into every single aspect of the religion. Which again, is great, just not specifically what I'm really interested in.

I liked it, I'm glad I read it and got through the whole thing, I'm sure it will be a useful reference book, but I wasnt completely blown away and sucked in. but that's ok! The info is great, its completely well written and thorough, but ultimately the reader's enjoyment comes from what information they're looking for/are interested in.

I think I might give myself a break from hefty non fictions for a while!!