A review by misscroft
Ever the Brave by Erin Summerill


Well firstly, I didn’t remember much from the first book. Though that was probably because I read that one over a year ago and I didn’t reread it before picking this one up. But as I was reading, things were slowly coming back to me.

Something that I majorly disliked about this book was Cohen. I went pretty much back and forth with him in the first one; but I just stayed not liking him in this one. Honestly my least favorite thing in books is when there’s a dude who is overprotective and overbearing when it comes to the female main character. For the majority of this book, Cohen acted like Britta couldn’t protect herself (even though she’s a better track and better shot with a bow than he is) and kept trying to make decisions for her. I hate males who think they can control a woman’s decisions, no matter their intent behind it.

Another thing I disliked in this book was the romance and the fact that there was kind of a trope that I absolutely hate present for most of this book. Honestly, if you took the romance out, nothing about this book would have changed. It doesn’t add anything to the story and it’s totally and completely not needed. I also didn’t care much for Cohen’s or Aodren’s point of views in this. I mean yeah sometimes, they gave us useful information that was useful to the story; but the majority of it could have been cut.

Now on to things I enjoyed though. I did really like the friendship between Britta and Aodren and I did grow to like Aodren more as a character towards the end of the book. I also really enjoyed Britta’s interactions with Gillian. Britta is just a likable character and I usually like her interactions with everyone else; especially her scenes with Phelia. Lirra was also a favorite of mine, I loved her sass, her fire and how brazen she was. Learning more about the Channelers was also something I liked, I was intrigued by how all the Channeler magic worked and we finally got some explanations in this book along with Britta.

I did enjoy the story to a point. It was a fairly fast paced book, so things kept moving and it kept me intrigued. I was loving the plot and the high stakes in this book. What with Channelers going missing and Malan and Shaerdan being on a the brink of a war. I was into this book and the plot but I didn’t buy the ending. Things just cleaned up too nicely and too quickly for me. It’s almost like the author was running out of room or time so she just decided to end it there and force everything into this little box. The ending was too abrupt and too perfect for me. No main character died. Like you’re telling me that these two countries were at the brink of a war, they hate each other and there was talk of this big battle and no main character dies? It’s just not realistic.

Overall, I can’t say that I loved this book; but I also didn’t hate it. This story had potential; but this book flew slightly flat for me. I really enjoyed the first one, but this wasn’t the continuation it deserved.
Well that was anti-climatic