A review by relly
Masters of the Shadowlands Box Set: Books 1-4 by Cherise Sinclair


Club Shadowlands

4 ⭐️

I really enjoyed this one.
I liked Jessica and connected with her well. I understood her confusion at times, embarrassment and jealously. I thought the scene with Cullen was well done, and how she was embarrassed facing him afterwards I totally understood. Master Z was also a likeable character, it probably helped that this being the first book Master Z wasn’t into anything too heavy.
It is a book so the relationship progression is on steroids but it was still enjoyable
Looking forward to the next one

Dark Citadel

3.75 ⭐️

I liked it.

I liked Kari and her endless honesty. She was a nice person but no doormat. There was a few times that her boundaries were pushed and I kept waiting for her to safe word, which I wouldn’t have blamed her for, and yet she looked into herself and continued. Her patience with Dan was remarkable.

While I understood why and I actually liked Dan, I felt his back and forth with Kari and her emotions wasn’t fair on her. She was new to the scene and he knew it, by becoming cold at the end of the night, it was cruel and he deserved her calling him out for it.

I would like to see how they progress as a couple

Breaking Free

4.25 ⭐️

This was very well done. When a sub has suffered abuse in a previous relationship or somewhere in their past, sometimes the BDSM would just appear more abuse heaped on. Not in this case. I felt so much for Beth. Beth’s ex was the horrific Dom you read about who uses the BDSM lifestyle to abuse and torture their partner. Unfortunately for her the only men she was attracted to (dominants) were men who scared her silly due to her husbands abuse. So to combat that she was picking Doms who could not control her to protect herself. In comes master Z to the rescue, seeing her pain and wanting to help he get Nolan to take her one and see what he could do.

I thought Nolan was lovely. He was a hard Dom and loved to play, but he was also conscientious and continually watched and read Beth during scenes. I loved that time was spent to get them up to speed, and there were still things the Beth just couldn’t do. She used her safe words and he stopped and discussed where needed. He made a mistake near the end that proved costly but that was his demons he was fighting.

Because time was spent getting them together and helping Beth, these two felt more of a couple and more together than the previous books.

Lean on me

3.75 ⭐️

This one is not my favourite which is disappointing as Cullen was one of my favourite Dom’s, but in this one I struggled to connect with his character for a lot of the book. He just didn’t seem like the fun loving Dom we have seen in other books.

I didn’t connect well with Andrea either as her take care of myself attitude didn’t work for me at the start, so the first part of the book was a struggle, then part way in something connected (and I’m not sure what) and I enjoyed it, I flew through the middle of this book, and then again lost some interest at the end, about the part where she didn’t call. I agreed with him but didn’t really like his reaction either. I finished it because I was so close to the end.

I was disappointed with Dan and his reaction to scenes in this one. He is a cop as well as a Dom and meant to look at things from all sides, he shouldn’t have been taken in by manipulative subs.

Yes I want to read Marcus’s book, but I think I’ll have a rest first.