A review by elisabeth_julia
The Play by Karina Halle


The Play is my favourite book in the entire series currently consisting of five books. Each one can be read as a standalone too so if you considering to get into the series pick up this one first! (Especially since the first book in the series is by far the weakest). Each of the books follow a different Scottish MacGregor brother/cousin and because of good genes they are all extremely good looking of course.

The Play follows Lachlan and Kayla. What makes it my favourite book in the series is that I could actually really relate to Kayla. Usually I content myself with crushing on the male love-interest and feel kind of meh about the female lead. Instead I developed a fierce girl-crush on Kayla too. Lachlan and Kayla had fantastic chemistry as a couple and I cared deeply for the two. Maybe that’s why this book actually made my eyes uncontrollably leak water several times. There is so much drama and heart-ache in here you’d have to be made of stone not to cry, I’m sure of it. That doesn’t mean The Play is a kitschy tear-jerker. It’s just dark and sad and beautiful.

This romance novel is far up there together with Halle’s Sins & Needles trilogy. This author has such a talent for writing compelling characters you can’t help but love no matter what.