A review by shinesalot
The Ship We Built by Lexie Bean


My heart hurt so much reading this book. Ellie/Rowan is in 5th grade and struggling - their family doesn't accept that they feel more like a boy, their friends are absolutely unrelenting in their pre-teen torture of someone who used to be just like them and is now "different." In addition, Rowan reveals that his father is coming into his bedroom at night.

The entire story is told in letters Rowan writes and ties to a balloon - never knowing if anyone will ever read them.

Not necessarily for middle schoolers. The writing is so heartfelt, but older readers will pick up on all the things Rowan is not saying - younger readers might not.

Hopeful ending. Makes me want to shout out to all our trans/lgbtq+ kids that my library is a safe place...it hurts to know that so many kids have to live each day without being accepted.