A review by yapha
Revolution by Deborah Wiles


In this epic second book in her Sixties trilogy, Deborah Wiles looks at Freedom Summer in Greenwood, Mississippi. Told through multiple points of view, as well as photographs and news clippings from the time, this is a comprehensive look at the issues behind the voter registration drive during the summer of 1964. Twelve-year-old Sunny just wants to listen to the Beatles when the SNCC & COHO "invaders" come to town. Her step-brother Gillette has his own demons, but a love of baseball over all. Ray Bullis is tired of sitting around and watching the volunteers do all the work and protesting. Each of the three of them is sorting out these issues among others on the backdrop of this volatile summer in Mississippi history. This book is not for your casual reader. It is beautifully written, and absolutely full of details and historical background information. It will appeal to lovers of historical fiction and this time period in particular. Recommended for grades 5 & up.