A review by 0xjm
Vurt by Jeff Noon

Vurt is fundamentally a book about people who trade in their dreams for manufactured facsimiles, and it's a raw deal.

Analogies to our modern lifestyle abound: drugs, pornography, the boob tube, video games, music, media, DRM. We have all surrendered our minds to mass media culture in some way, big or small, and we spend the rest of our lives trying to hack, subvert, remix, and otherwise take back that which should have been our birthright all along.


Now that I've finished Vurt, I have to say that the book loses its way towards the end. I get the impression that Jeff Noon got bored with his characters and plot, and just wraps up the story in a straightforward, predictable way. This isn't to say that I didn't enjoy this book, but the opening is stronger than the closer.