A review by bookishlychar
Perfect Wreckage by Catherine Cowles


4.5/5 - Perfect Wreckage is the second book in the Wrecked series by Catherine Cowles. This book follows Kenna and Crosby.

Kenna lucked out when Harriet took her in at 11, when her mom wasn't able to care for her. Ever since she has lived on Harriet's estate, The Gables. Crosby is the lawyer on the island. He may come from money, but he escaped his family of privilege to make a difference and become someone he can be proud of. Kenna and Crosby have a bit of a tumultuous relationship, having both made assumptions about the other. Circumstances bring them closer together and they begin to realize the other is not who they thought. Kenna needs to rely on Crosby for some help and begins to trust and feel closer to him and Crosby begins to wonder if love is something he may want in the future.

This is a beautiful story about two people who don't trust, growing to trust. Though their relationship starts as one that involves bickering and poking at each other, it develops into something so much more. Kenna doesn't believe that people will stay, and Crosby just keeps showing up. He says he doesn't want the complications of love, but his actions are so beautiful and loving.

Every story has a villain, and I like that it is not one of the two characters in this book. There is an actual evil villain, and they are a terrible person. I love how Kenna persevered against the evil and stood her ground. She was such a strong character. As with the previous book, I also loved the found family in this book. Kenna, Bell and Caelyn are total friendship goals. They are there for each other and so good for each other. I like seeing how Ford and Crosby get taken in this family too.

I look forward to reading Caelyn's story next!