A review by mmromancereviewed
Crushed But Not Defeated by Nicole Dykes


Mixed emotions - so happy that Andrew finally gets a hard won HEA, but sad to be leaving the Spark of Hope Crew. I also love that we finally get to explore Andrew's humanity... his foibles and fears that were only hinted at in previous books...

Miles is lovely - holding out a spark of hope for years that eventually Andrew will come back to him and accepting the man unconditionally when he does. It was also sweet to see Evan and Oliver find the family they deserved when they were each adopted into Andrew and Miles' family.

This book balanced the steamy, the sweet, the trauma and the love beautifully and was a fitting finale for the Spark of Hope series, although now I'm curious about the next generation as Evan finds friends that may need help and hope.... Nicole, I hope you're writing more stories in a spin off universe ... because Evan will need his HEA soon!