A review by heabooknerd
Angels' Dance by Nalini Singh


Angel Jessamy has a deformed wing that keeps her trapped at the Refuge, unable to soar the skies and explore the world. Instead she spends her time teaching young angels. Galen is a weapons master who has arrived at the Refuge hoping to lead new Archangel Raphael's army. He is a rough man who isn't used to the innocence he sees in Jessamy but he can't resist her and intends to court her until he wins her heart.

I loved how caring and compassionate Jessamy was! She's been judged all her life because of her wing, even her parents believe she couldn't be whole, so it was beautiful to watch Galen challenge Jessamy and show that just because she couldn't use her wings didn't mean she couldn't fly. Galen was a tough man but Jessamy brought out a softer side of him. This is the first book of the GUILD HUNTERS series that I've read so I'm not familiar with the characters or the world. Singh creates a great world and I had no problem understanding what it involved but I don't think I enjoyed the impact of seeing the other characters as much as I would have had I read the other books first.