A review by bmg20
With a Little Luck by Caprice Crane


My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars

This is the first Caprice Crane novel that I’ve read so I didn’t know what to expect; however, I follow her on twitter and she’s constantly cracking me up. I was hoping for the same humor in novel form but it didn’t hit the mark for me. For the first third of the book there was no apparent plot and I had no clue what the point of the book even was. At times I had to stop, shake myself, and continue reading when the words had turned into Charlie Brown's teacher.

The heroine of the novel, Beryl ‘Berry’ Lambert was essentially completely unlikable, and oftentimes got so wrapped up in being funny that it’s almost as if she forgot about her audience and the story line entirely. She drove me absolutely nuts with her superstitions and the occasional reference to herself.

”This alone isn’t remarkable; believe it or not, Berry gets her share of the lookie-loos.”

Yes. She was talking about herself. Direct quote.

The rest of the characters failed to garner interest as well, including her gambling addict father who at one point has to ask if he can come live with her when his electricity is shut off. And then that other time when he has a friend call Berry asking for $500 for ‘bail money’ because he’s in jail… when he really wasn’t. Really sad situation because she really loved her dad, he was just a loser, and I was glad that she eventually stand up to him.

By the end it had garnered a few giggles, but the smattering of well-placed “Tweets” were too few and far between for it to be a successful book in my eyes.

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