A review by amym84
Heartless by Gail Carriger


The fourth book in the Parasol Protectorate series was full of the usualy twists and turns as Alexia tries to discover who is out to kill the queen. Alexia's investigations lead her back to the Kingair Pack (Conall's former pack) in Scotland. Twenty years ago they were part of a scheme attempting to kill the queen so what better place to start than to figure out their motivations on the matter. What ends up happening is the revelation of many mysteries that were started in [b:Soulless|6381205|Soulless (Parasol Protectorate, #1)|Gail Carriger|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1314020848s/6381205.jpg|6569140].

I really appreciated the fact that Alexia is pregnant for the entirety of this book. I've read very few books with a pregnant heroine so for me this was refreshing. She didn't let her pregnancy keep her from doing her investigations, even with everyone telling her to take it easy.

I love her relationship with Lord Akeldama. I found myself wishing they had more interactions. I was a little surprised the way the story worked itself out I will admit it. There are events that occur that make me very interested to see how Gail Carriger will wind up the whol storyline in [b:Timeless|11324166|Timeless (Parasol Protectorate, #5)|Gail Carriger|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1327890901s/11324166.jpg|13210557] the last book in the series. This book did tie up a lot of loose ends, but I'm sure there's something that still needs attention. Until Then!