A review by curiouslibrarian
The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z. by Kate Messner


I adored this book! Gianna in her epic capacity for disorganization and procrastination reminded me of a younger (and thankfully worse) version of myself.

Gianna has left her large leaf identification project until the last few days, as usual. If she doesn't finish on time she won't be able to compete in the big cross-country meet, and she's one of the top runners. Add to this a rival who is trying to take her place on the team, a grandmother who is slipping into early stage Alzheimer's, a mother who won't admit there's a problem, and a relationship with a male best friend that might be starting to change, and Gianna has a lot more on her plate than just a leaf project!

Gianna is a great character: she has her strengths (art, running) and her weaknesses (deadlines). As things fall apart around her, she redoubles her efforts. This is a kid you root for and identify with whether she is dealing with her father tossing out her leaves, climbing a fence into private property for the perfect leaf, or just relating as a friend, daughter and granddaughter in her shifting relationships. I love Gianna's choice about the project in the end. It's all her and it's wonderful.

Also, I know one shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I'm just so drawn to the joy and the colors on this cover. It inspired me to go leaf-playing on my birthday this year.

Highly recommended for grades 4-7.