A review by dnietoperafan
The Confessions of Frannie Langton by Sara Collins


I absolutely devoured this book. Collins has an amazing way of keeping you hooked with multiple small mysteries throughout the novel. Not only has our main character potentially murdered two people, there’s also a mystery surrounding her parentage, the things she did in Paradise, other characters’ relationships, etc.

I’m not going to lie, Frannie was such a well constructed character. The way that the novel is constructed in letters to her lawyer, and testimonies, gives the reader in-depth knowledge of what goes inside her head, and other characters’ perceptions of her. I really enjoyed the prose, and the ease in which my eyes floated on the pages. It was effortless.

I loved the way in which nothing is sugar-coated: slavery, sapphic sex, sex work, affairs. It’s like nothing I’ve ever read. Made me feel sick at points, and I say that in the most respectful way. I really do admire Collins, her writing, and this novel. I’m definitely looking for more of her works.