A review by robertrivasplata
Kick-Ass 2 Prelude: Hit-Girl by Mark Millar


Read this after the 1st Kick-ass collection. I might rate this as slightly more disturbing. At one point I felt like yelling "but hit-girl, statistically many people on death row are innocent!" (so I was glad she never tried to shoot out the 4th wall or anything like that). What I think makes Hit-Girl more disturbing than Kick-Ass (at least the 1st one) is that Kick-Ass gets beat up a lot on his crusade against petty crime, but Hit-Girl is an unstoppable menace like Anton in No Country for Old Men. To me, that's a disturbing idea even when that menace is deployed against unspeakably brutal mobsters, and it's especially disturbing when you also consider that she's kind of an unreformed child-soldier.