A review by inthether
Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo


Didn't like it as much as the others.

The cameo were unnecessary. I want an entire book about the Crows not them appearing just for the sake of appearing in the book. Not after their amazing ending in Crooked Kingdom. Not without having Inej and Kaz in the same room. Or Nina reuniting with the all the Crows.

Same goes for Mal and Alina. They had an epilogue where they had their friends visit them when they lived anonymously. They just appeared for the Darkling to have his power all over again and then disappear again (especially Mal, where is Mal). It was so useless. I mean Zoya has the power of a freaking dragon, wouldn't that have been enough ?

And then David's death ? What ? We needed a death that's it ? Matthias' death was so impactful in Crooked Kingdom. We got used of not having any death in the dulogoy and boom one of the main characters died. That was well done. But David ? Didn't have an impact. Not even in the plot. They were able to build their weapon just fine. You just made Genya cry.

And it was supposed to be a Nikolai pov. We love Nikolai. But it ended up with Zoya being a queen ? I don't even understand when her and Nikolai started to have a bond. Or why they fell for each other. It wasn't even hinted in the grisha trilogy.

The writing was too cringy. Nikolai is witty. But why does everybody have to be qUiRcKy ? And they talk about tea too much. And then, we have soooo many explanations. As if we haven't read the previous books. Not even the previous book of the duology.

I don't know. The King of Scars was good because we only had three pov plus Isaak which was legitimate because he took the king's place. It was refreshing. But the Monk and Mayu ? The pov of her brother would have been more interesting. To discover the torture he went through for example. And the Darkling pov was so bad omg. It needs a whole book to make it wholesome. To understand his aspiration. To understand his thinking. The pov didn't reveal anything in the first place it's Alina and Genya who explicitly explain what goes through his head.

Anyways, I hope the next one will be better. Kaz is back apparently. Let's hope we'll have more of the Crows, of Nikolai and Zoya and that's it no crazy long plot lines