A review by saviola
Entice by Carrie Jones


I'm sad. I thought Need was so interesting and couldn't wait to get my hands on Captivate, but I'm not sure I can go on. At first I just thought she hit a little roadbump with Captivate, but Entice wasn't much better either. I don't think it's the story as much as it's the snail-like pace. There has been an all-encompassing, apocalyptic war on the horizon for all three books now; but so far it's just talk. They keep hearing about it, but nothing has happened to really prove that it's happening. Everything that does happen seems to have little relevance to what the story is actually supposed to be about or is just put in there to make you think there still might be a point.

Entice, as a whole, is just one big tangent. Jones uses the entire book to get Nick back. While I do think that it is an important event and shouldn't be rushed, I'm not sure it was wise to use the whole book for that one thing; especially with this supposed war closing in. Then there's how Zara got Nick back. It all happened a little too easily, especially for how long it took her to get there. And it made little sense to me how or why the evil king guy was there. It was a mess.

I'm also starting to hate Zara, or just starting to realize how much I hate her. She's turned into an ungrateful brat who takes advantage of her friends. Then she sacrifices people to get Nick back when she's not even sure that he wants to come back or that he'll accept her now that she's pixie. It's just too much of a job to be understanding.

I'm not sure I'm going to read the next book - or if I'm just going to finish the series out of obligation - but for now I'm taking a break.