A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Saints Like Him by Aimee Nicole Walker


"So this is what it's like to date you, Saint."

"No, Nicky, this is what it's like to be loved by me."

Holy freaking swoon. And I'm not even talking about that cover because that is swoonworthy all on its own. I am talking about this utterly romantic love story written by Walker. Cash and Nick's romance was a beautiful thing to read. Though there is some outside angst, the majority of the story focuses on these two best friends finally admitting their long held feelings for one another. It was just so lovely.

"You're my home, and I've been gone too long."

I loved how once their true feelings were finally on the table neither of them held back. They'd already waited twelve years. There was no point wasting any more time. Nick slotted into life on the ranch like he'd living there for years. Like he was always meant to be there. And he made Cash so freaking happy. After everything that man had done for everyone else, it was high time he had something just for him.

I'm happy that Cash's story isn't the end of the line for this series. Travis and Owen are next in [b:Friends Like Them|200977262|Friends Like Them (Redemption Ridge, #4)|Aimee Nicole Walker|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1698580219l/200977262._SY75_.jpg|205843808]. They are another pair of best friends who've been dancing around one another way too long. We also meet the sexy sheriff in town whom a certain someone has their eye on. I'm looking forward to their story too because I have a feeling Mr. Sexy is not going to be prepared for what's coming his way.