A review by samms_corner
Beautiful Monster: A Becoming by Miles Borrero


Thanks to Netgalley and Regalo Press for the ARC for review!

Miles Borrero's 'Beautiful Monster' offers a glimpse into the author's profound journey of self-discovery, navigating a world that often demands conformity while celebrating the beauty of embracing one's true identity. Borrero invites readers to trace his path, from his upbringing as an AFAB queer individual in Colombia, to his relocation to the United States. Throughout his narrative, he unveils his pursuit of meaningful work, profound human connections, and a profound understanding of his core self, intricately linked to his transition. With unflinching vulnerability, he shares the intimate facets of his gender odyssey and the evolution of his queer identity, painting vivid portraits of his life and the influential individuals who shaped him.

At its heart, this memoir revolves around the concept of family, highlighting the palpable tensions that arise from internal turmoil and external expectations. Themes of family, loss, and personal growth lend depth and emotional weight to the narrative. The author's willingness to bare his soul in a raw and unfiltered manner is commendable, but I encountered occasional difficulties in connecting with the story, as fragments of mythology that seemed disconnected from the memoir's core interrupted it. The narrative style, at times, felt like a stream of consciousness, creating a sense of chaos. Additionally, elements such as the repetitive use of 'So Hum' throughout the book remained unexplained and unresolved.

In summary, 'Beautiful Monster' by Miles Borrero deserves three out of five stars. It undeniably conveys an essential story, and the author's courage in sharing it with the world is praiseworthy. While I had hoped to love this book, I found myself simply liking it, mainly due to the disjointed writing style and the inclusion of mythology chapters that disrupted the flow.