A review by helpfulsnowman
Heart in a Box by Kelly Thompson


I liked this metaphor for heartbreak and all that, and I liked where it ultimately goes, but...

Near the beginning, our main character uncovers a sex slave ring and murders a dude. Now, this does seem like a dude who deserves murdering, so that's cool, but I felt like this went too far too fast. It felt a little like the story would've worked better if we built to that, like by the time the character is trying to recover that piece of her heart, she's done increasingly difficult/bad things.

This is the beginning, and it's by far the worst thing the character does, and I think that sets a tone or expectation for the book that wasn't met for me. I thought she'd end up stabbing a motherfucker who didn't really deserve it? Killing a doggo? Throwing a baby into a garbage dispose-all? Instead, she carries on a disingenuous relationship, which, c'mon, who hasn't?