A review by tanyad74
The Darkest Touch by Gena Showalter


Darkest Touch by Gena Showalter has been at the top of my most anticipated 2014 releases and it is FINALLY here!

All this time, Torin has been the Lord that took care of all the security and technology the other Lords needed as they took on all the demons, Hunters, Gods & Goddesses. Torin's demon kept him from going out into the world much for fear of killing anyone he touched or possibly causing a worldwide plague. I don't think I realized how much this lack of involvement may have affected him. It always just seemed like that was Torin and his position and he had just come to accept it. In the last few books, you get an idea of how bad his dissatisfaction is. You also think that it all stems from not being able to have an intimate relationship with a woman, but there is more to it than that. There are other areas he is frustrated with, but hides from all the other Lords.

Keeleycael is a crazy, amazing character. As the Red Queen, she believes she is beyond anyone's reach. Problem is, she is not as hard and cold as she outwardly portrays. There is more to here and Torin is peeling back the layers to expose those parts of Keeley she doesn't want to admit to.

I’ll have rules for you.” Rules? “You’re kidding, right? I obey no one but myself, and even that’s iffy.” Someone else bumped into her. A male this time. Torin scowled and pushed him. “Apologize or die.” “S-sorry, ma’am. So sorry.” The guy scampered away. “Ma’am?” she shouted, hoping to mask the inner melting Torin’s fierce reaction had caused. “Am I wearing mom jeans? I don’t think so!”

As always, Gena's characters have amazing, characters that make me laugh all the time, in fact most of my favorite quotes are pieces when I just laughed out loud. Keeley has just become one more of the group of strong, aggressive, full of themselves women and the series and I love it! You can only have so many women with this kind of attitude in one place and there is already animosity between Keeley and Anya, so I am so excited to see in future books how these two keep from killing each other.

Don't think that we are not going to get any progression in the story lines with Cameo, Viola, Lazarus, Baden & Pandora. We definitely get to see them. So exciting!

I loved this book. Torin and Keeley went from one bad situation to another, whether it be in their relationship or against their enemies. I was so immersed I would read until I couldn't keep my eyes open and get up early so I could read before work. It was so much fun. I love this series and I love Gena Showalter!

There is an awesome opportunity coming up on December 9th, 2014 with a virtual signing and chat over at Shindig. You can order copies at Katy Budget Books. Go get those copies and sign up for that virtual chat, it is going to be a blast!

Check out below for a taste of The Darkest Touch!

She appeared in front of him, displaying more tanned skin than she concealed, her hair falling around her face in lush, golden waves. Her eyes glittered with remnants of her anger. Her lips were slightly swollen and pinker than usual.

“Temper much?” she quipped.

His relief was palpable. She hadn’t forgotten him! But the relief was quickly replaced by concern. “Are you all right? Did someone hit you?”

She blinked with confusion. “No. Why?”

“Your lips are swollen.”

She rubbed them, color heating her cheeks. “Someone didn’t hit me, but someone sure did hit on me.”

Hit on her. As in kissed her.

Already on edge, Torin. Utterly. Erupted.

He forgot everything he’d planned to do and say and got in Keeley’s face, snarling, “Who was it?”

Her eyes widened. “Hades. Why?”

“You dare ask why? You belong to me! We agreed. You do not kiss other men, Keeley. Ever. Have you forgotten my rules?”

Her jaw dropped, and she gasped out a few unintelligible words as if she couldn’t quite figure out what to say to him.

He stood in place, breathing too quickly, too heavily, his throat and lungs burning. He reached for her, but as so many times before, fisted his hands and dropped them just before contact. This is crazy. I’m crazy. I have to leave.

“Are you…thinking about touching me?” she asked, her eyes widening again.

No, she had to leave. He could not be in public right now. “Go shopping. Buy yourself something pretty. My treat.” He basically tossed his credit card at her. He should be calm by the time she finished. “Come back in an hour. Maybe two. Actually, we’ll reconvene tomorrow.”

“You are,” she said. “You’re thinking… Even craving me. You don’t like the thought of another man’s hands on me, and you want to replace the memory with your hands.”

That. Yes. Hades would die, and Torin…Torin would touch this woman and never stop.

He gnashed his molars. “Last chance, Keeley. I suggest you take it and leave.” Soon. His control was almost completely shredded.

“No way. You’re the big bad warrior, yet I’ve had to come on to you time and time again. I’ve had to battle within myself —worth the price or not worth it. Well, it’s your turn.”

“There is no damn way you just suggested I haven’t done the same. I’ve battled.”

“When have you ever caved without prompting from me? You’ve resisted me so easily, always walking away. Sure, you’ve snarled while you’ve done the walking, but still you left me behind. So, tell me. When did you ever—”

“So easily?” he roared. Had she just said so easily? She had no clue about the intensity of his need—but he would teach her better.

Torin cupped her by the nape, yanked her close and smashed his mouth against hers. The kiss was a brutal assault meant to silence her, to dominate and possess. He held her still, making her take it, take everything. But the moment she softened against him, welcomed him inside her mouth, the darkness churning inside him switched gears. From the need to punish and master to the need to seduce and please.

This was Keeley. His princess. She deserved his best.

He gentled the pressure, rolling his tongue inside her mouth, learning her all over again, tasting her. Summer berries and melted honey. So sweet. And mine. All mine. He framed her cheeks, angled her head and rolled his tongue just a little deeper. This time, she met him with a roll of her own.

That was his undoing.

Believe me, you don't want to miss this!
This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict