A review by nerdyfangirl
Dark Life by Kat Falls

Mini-Review: The beautiful cover and great premise were not enough to counter the lackluster prose and voiceless characters, but all is not lost.

My Thoughts:

I originally found this book as a hardcover but had to wait until it was cheaper to buy it (yay college!). I saw it on the shelf and fell in love with the cover and the idea that life has become so harsh on the surface that people are living on the ocean floor. It was fascinating.

Once I started reading, it was hard to keep reading, but I am one of those people who has to finish a book unless I just hate it from the beginning. I'm glad I kept going. The writing isn't bad and the characters, while fairly predictable, are interesting, but I felt like the entire thing was being read to me by the teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It was monotonous. The characters were there, but the voice that should have leaped off the pages wasn't. Until the last third of the book.

When things start getting really intense in the plot (which sadly was also fairly predictable, but it is for younger readers so keep that in mind), the characters finally start to sound like you think they would. It's as if the drama breathed new life into them. The last third of the book was how I hoped the entire thing would have been, but I'm glad it got better and redeemed itself. Not sure if I'll be reading any more in the series, especially if I have to struggle through the first half or more, but time will tell.