A review by katetj
Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink


More reviews can be found at my blog: Nomalicious Reads

I've been meaning to read Prophecy of the Sisters since it first came out in 2010, but for some reason I kept holding off from purchasing this fantastic book. Just the other week I discovered that it was only $4.34 over at the book depository (still is & $3.60 on Amazon) and just had to buy it while it was on sale.

I highly recommend to everyone who hasn't read it yet to quickly grab a copy while it's cheap! (links at my blog)

I think the cover is beautiful, and it goes well with Michelle's description of Lia's face being more round than Alice's, I swear their eyes were the same colour in the book!? Hell maybe the characters on the front aren't even Alice and Lia... who knows!

Michelle Zink does an amazing job of creating an intriguing world, with a mysterious prophecy and amazing characters.

I loved how Sonia and Luisa, gradually came into Lia's life and they weren't best friends at the start of the book. We witnessed the growing friendship as the book progressed. You don't find that enough in YA!

Lia has no idea at the start of the book that she is apart of an ancient prophecy. She's just a normal girl, recovering from her fathers death and doesn't think that things could possibly get worse. But they do as she discovers many strange things, one after the other, leading to revelations that she doesn't believe possible.

I've got to hand it to Lia, she handles the sudden upheavals in her life well, Michelle Zink did a fantastic job of capturing all the emotions that Lia went through flawlessly, and I didn't feel as if any of them were inappropriate to Lia's character.

I will say, if I was Lia I doubt I could ever forgive that evil bitch Alice, yes she may see the light and become an awesome character in the next two books. I doubt I'll ever be able to forgive the selfish girl that she is! (I'm kinda hoping she dies... haha now I'm the evil one) But don't worry this is just me, maybe you will sympathise with Alice, or maybe you'll like her. She just isn't the character for me.

Another thing I really liked was Michelle's depiction that twins aren't always thick as thieves. Sure Lia mentions that she and Alice used to be close when they were children, but you get the feeling that Lia has always thought herself lower to Alice's shining 'look at me' character.

In most books (not just YA) twins are always usually depicted as best friends (etc). This is probably just a pet peeve from being a twin myself (twin brother) and knowing other twins of different genders; but every twin relationship is different, just like every sibling relationship is different; sometimes you're close, sometimes you're not or even other times, its both. I really liked how Michelle made Alice and Lia's relationship a rocky one and I'm very interested to see how it progresses!

I don't think that I'll mention anything else, as I don't want to spoil anything. So I'll just finish this review by saying: if you haven't read this amazing book yet - go out and grab it! It's definitely worth a read, and the tissues you'll go through at the end. (So evil of you Michelle, I cried buckets! But still... I can't wait till book two and three arrive in my mailbox!)

Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink gets:

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