A review by kelseeraine
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming


Is this a quality book? No. Did I thoroughly enjoy it by the end? Yes. The Writing was very simple and extremely cringey in places with characters oddly switching from modern day slang like "big mood" in one sentence to calling someone a "rapscallion" the next. For this reason the book was extremely hard for me to get into for about the first 1/4 of it. The language inconsistencies and cringiness kept taking me out of the story because I just had to stop and marvel at the absurdity. Additionally, the pacing (particularly in the beginning) felt incredibly rushed and unrealistic. There seemed to be a lot of time spent on inconsequential scenes and details but supposedly pivotal moments were glossed over. Furthermore, the author kept introducing plot elements that promised to elevate the story and make it more captivating but without fail, every single one was abandoned in a few chapters or less. No spoilers, but just off the top of my head I can think of two moments where I actually thought to myself "ooh that's really interesting" only to have it be either 1. Never mentioned again or 2. Become completely and utterly useless to the plot. 

That being said, this book marketed itself as a fun, light-hearted read and it absolutely hit that on the head. In fact, I was able to get past all my grievances because I truly was just enjoying reading it. Even in the beginning, when I was laughing more at the writing than the contents, I was still laughing - which is what this book promised its readers. Once I got adjusted to the prose and was able to become immersed in the plot, I found that I quite liked the story and characters. In fact, I would say the side-characters were by far my favorite part of the story. The romance itself was a little too insta-love for my taste but I respect that it was a necessary evil to keep the plot moving and to fit everything into such a short book. In the end, it made me laugh and kick my feet, which is all it promised to do. 

While I would never pick this book up for it's prose, pacing, attention to detail, or literary merit; I would 100% pick it up for a fun, lighthearted time. Ultimately, this book delivered on its promises and was an excellent way to waste a few hours.