A review by lapingveno
Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Michael J. Behe


This is a great book illustrating the strength of the ID argument(s) based on the presence of irreducible complexity at the microscopic level.

I deduct one point for the author's willingness to entertain certain beliefs (which I won't get into specifically).

I deduct another point for this book's WALLS of technical text about exactly how the irreducibly complex systems work. Behe does a good job using analogies, but he loses me (and, I presume, the average reader) when he waxes microbiological. In fairness, he does warn the reader when those passages are coming, but it doesn't change the fact that a third of the book is inscrutable to the layman as a result. Those passages are important to his argument--I'm not denying that--but they certainly do not make for pleasurable reading!