A review by jonelley64
Columbine by Dave Cullen


Almost everything I wanted from this book was in the epilogue! But I should admit that I just listened to the "Columbine" episode of the podcast "You're Wrong About" a month or two ago. So all of the debunking part of the book was very familiar to me and not as interesting as it probably could have been otherwise. I also felt like I could have done with about half as much description of Eric Harris's psychopathic delusions of grandeur, but I think the epilogue helped me understand a little bit more why the author spent so much time on this. I think Dave Cullen has some very personal and understandable reasons for wanting to make it crystal clear beyond all doubt that Eric and Dylan were not victims of bullying who snapped. It's just... If you're open to accept that the bullying interpretation is a myth, it feels like Cullen is beating you over the head with it. And if you're not, then you're not.