A review by mayathebookworm
Gifted by Linette Taylor


Check out this review and more on my blog, Maya’s Reviews.

//TW: violence//

Thank you to Linette Taylor for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

~Quick Statistics~
Overall: 5/5 Stars
Plot: 5/5 Stars
Setting: 5/5 Stars
Characters: 5/5 Stars
Writing: 5/5 Stars
Memorability: 5/5 Stars

~Quick Review~
With undertones of X-Men and Legend, Gifted is a fantastic novel following a bright and badass young girl in a world that rejects differences. I haven’t read a book this quick in a while, and the fast-paced action kept me turning the pages til one in the morning. You cannot miss reading this adventurous novel.

~Other Information~
Publisher: Linette Taylor
Page Count: 268 pages

~Book Description (via Goodreads)~
Everybody wants superpowers. But what if being super was a bad thing?

Spring City, New Mexico: the days are hot, but they still aren’t as boiling as the tension on the streets. Sixteen-year-old Hartley Beck is one of many resident Hostiles — otherwise normal people with supernatural abilities.

Unfortunately for Hartley, Hostiles aren’t the most well-liked people in the city. In the midst of trying to keep her ability a secret from the people around her, Hartley gets dragged into a life of crime, vigilantism, and danger. Only she and other Hostiles can fix the mess that has been made of Spring City.

Gifted is a story of self-discovery, personal identity, and growth. It’s a tale that will seem familiar to anyone who has struggled to find order in a world of chaos.

Gifted follows the story of Hartley, a young girl living in Spring City who has the power to make things opaque or transparent as she wishes. Her world is turned upside down when Knockout, one of the most wanted ‘Hostiles’ in Spring City, reaches out to her about becoming a vigilante for those the SCPD won’t protect. Hartley is a lovable, bright, and badass teenager whose life consists of art and reading (that is until Knockout reaches out to her.)

Knockout, Hartley’s eventual best friend, is essentially a superhero. He uses his power to help save those that the police won’t help, even though using his power could land him in jail. Selfless, strong, and helpful, Knockout guides Hartley through the art of being a vigilante.

~Writing and Setting~
Linette Taylor’s writing further adds to the fast paced feel of this novel. There is hardly any downtime or calm in the novel; just as Hartley is thrown into a chaotic world, so are you. However, despite the fast paced feel, everything is described in depth.

The story takes place in Spring City, a town that was rocked by a horrible attack called the Raid where many people died at the hands of a ‘Hostile’. This attack leads the city to become anti-Hostile, with precautions and hate at its peak, and the SCPD on the trail of anyone with powers.

With non-Hostiles hating upon and looking for reasons to blame Hostiles for anything, Gifted reminds me quite a bit of the original X-Men trilogy, in the best way. I am a huge fan of anything Marvel, so this excited me. As mentioned before, Hartley and Knockout become heroes for those that cannot defend themselves. Despite their heroism, the SCPD doesn’t care and still attempts to arrest (and potentially experiment upon) Hostiles. This leads Hartley and Knockout to depend on each other to survive in the anti-Hostile city that they both call home.

~Overall Review~
Gifted is the absolutely amazing tale of doing what is right despite the dangers of those who oppose you. This action-packed novel is diverse and captivating, and I highly recommend that you read Gifted if you also enjoy X-Men and Legend as much as I do.

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