A review by alexisisreading
Dust by Kara Swanson


Peter Pan is my absolute favorite Disney story so I was really excited to read this book. I've read a lot of retellings of Peter Pan but this one was so different than any I've read before.

The story was completely unique and the characters were likeable even when they were being the worst. And trust me, there were times when Peter could've avoided a problem with just a little bit of communication but ultimately his lack of ability to be honest was so in character I couldn't even be mad about it.

The book follows Claire Kenton and her journey to figure out what happened to her twin brother Connor. When her internet friend, N, tells her that the last place Connor was spotted was London, England she sells all her belongings and travels to London where she meets some familiar characters such as Tiger Lily, Captain Hook, a crew of Lost boys, a Darling descendant and most importantly Peter Pan. Peter's worst fear is growing up but Claire brings something out of him that he's not quite ready to face.

Overall, I found the story to be super unique and intriguing and I absolutely cannot wait for the next book to come out. The book ended with a major ball of truth finally being revealed after being hinted at and talked around for the majority of the book and I'm so excited to see what happens when Claire and Peter finally get to Neverland.