A review by jfl
The Cubs and Other Stories by Mario Vargas Llosa


The English edition of Vargas’ short stories includes works first published in Spanish at different times. The lead story in the English edition (The Cubs) was first published in Spain in 1967 with the definitive version dated in 1966. Titled Los jefes, it was preceded by his first novel, La ciudad y los perros. For Roberto Bolaño, Los jefes is a masterpiece, a judgement that owed much to the creative structure of the story, serving as a “practice run” for Conversaciones en la catedral, “one of the best Spanish-language novels of the twentieth century”.

The other six short stories in the English edition were first published in 1965, written before his first novel. Structurally, there is none of the innovation that marked Los jefes. As Vargas himself confesses in the introduction to the English publication, the stories show the impact of the handful of writers (including Faulkner, Hemingway, Paul Bowles) who influenced him as he searched for his own voice.

Los jefes Bolaño has elevated to immortality. However, the other stories (apparently written between 1953 and 1957) are entertaining and quickly read as Vargas’ early, youthful, imaginings.