A review by fabricate8
Chanda's Secrets by Allan Stratton


Chanda’s Secrets
4Q 3P S

Chanda’s Secrets is a novel about a teenage girl in a fictitious African setting. She is not rich, but she loves her family and has dreams to pursue an education. However, people around her are getting sick, but no one really knows why, or at least does not want to admit that is might be AIDS. Because of the stigma surrounding the disease, it continues to spread. Chanda wants to save her family and friends, but finds it difficult when she has no support or way to get help from the community. Everyone else is too scared to do anything that might associate themselves with AIDS. After witnessing the death of several loved ones, and fearing what may happen to her best friend, Chanda has to decide if she can tell the truth about what has been happening.

I really enjoyed this book because it addresses an issue that many still deem as controversial. Whether people want to address it or not, AIDS remains a pressing issue in both the U.S. and abroad. Because people don’t want to talk about a disease that affects millions of people, it continues to spread. Chanda’s Secrets did a good job of demonstrating how problems can escalate when no one wants to discuss them. The main character is likable and the reader can easily sympathize with the difficult position she is in. Although most teens in the US live a very different lifestyle, many also face situations that may be far above their maturity level. Like Chanda, they may have to take care of younger siblings, give up things they love, and deal with loss.

I don’t know that most teen readers would pick this book out on their own, but I think that is a worthwhile one to read because it has an important message about AIDS and about how teens can take action in a small way to change lives.