A review by wesleyrose
To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings by John O'Donohue


I started to read this book for a book club through an online yoga community. My goal was to read one blessing a day, and I met this goal for about a month, but then I got busy, and my readings became sporadic. I believe that I will read blessings from this book again, but I would plan to read them when they are more suiting.

Coincidentally, I read the blessing “Blessing for a New Home” when my roommate moved out. It wasn’t a new home, but it felt like a different home. I hadn’t lived alone for almost a decade. So it was an exciting new chapter, and the blessing captured many of my feelings towards it.

The other blessing that struck a chord with me was “For The One Who is Exhausted.” I read that blessing after I had called in sick to work. I was up all night with a headache and anxiety. The lack of sleep left me feeling awful. But my body was telling me something. I was exhausted. Reading this poem made me recognize that I was pushing myself too hard.

I think of this book as a calming friend. It offers words of wisdom that you can’t always procure on your own. Also, the cover is gorgeous, and the blue font inside of the book seems to add to the calmness. I will refer back to this book as I continue to search for whom I am and practicing self-care.