A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Final Exam by Carol J. Perry


Final Exam by Carol J. Perry is the eighth A Witch City Mystery. Lee Barrett is a field reporter for WICH-TV in Salem, Massachusetts. Thanks to a tip, Lee is the first reporter on the scene when an old mustang and body are pulled from North Shore Granite Works quarry. When Aunt Ibby sees the news report, Lee notices that she has a reaction to the news. However, Lee can tell that she is not ready to talk. Ibby is busy preparing for the upcoming class reunion for the Class of 1974 and Lee has been roped into helping with the preparations. Lee continues to dig for information on the body brought up in the quarry and learns it is related to a cold missing person’s case that Detective Pet Mondello is investigating. When Aunt Ibby comes under suspicion, Lee begins researching her aunt’s classmates. With the help of O’Ryan, her cat, and her scrying abilities, Lee probes into the past in the hopes of excavating the killer.

It is May in Salem, Massachusetts. Lee and her camera woman, Francine Hunter are tracking down a lead and hope to get a juicy story. They find police divers exploring a quarry and Lee scoops other reporters when they find a mustang with bones inside about 120 twenty feet down. Unfortunately, the body turns out to be an old flame of Aunt Ibby’s who disappeared before their high school graduation. All this time, It was believed the victim had taken off after an altercation with his father. Lee begins having visions of the past which lead her to identifying the killer. Carol J. Perry’s writing style is informal writing style which makes Final Exam a pleasure to read. The story has good flow with gentle pacing. I like the variety of characters in A Witch City Mystery series with O’Ryan being my favorite. He is an astute cat who aids Lee in solving her crimes. It was cute how O’Ryan had a friend to play with in this story, and they managed to cause some misdirection and mischief. There are plenty of enjoyable moments between the characters. Lee’s scrying abilities are integrated into the storyline along with a tarot reading from her friend, River North. Her tarot card readings are always helpful. The mystery was intriguing because it involved a cold case. There are pointed clues to aid readers in solving the crime. Past misdeeds have a way of coming back to haunt us. I was appreciative of the epilogue that wrapped up the mystery. Final Exam can be read alone if you have not read any of the previous A Witch City Mysteries. I do want to let readers know that there is foul language scattered throughout the story which is unusual for a cozy mystery. Included in the book are recipes for ginger pancakes, grape nuts pudding and Lee’s bread dipping sauce. Final Exam transports readers to Salem as Lee probes into the past to excavate a killer.