A review by briannethebookworm
Super Fake Love Song by David Yoon


Sunny Dae is a self-proclaimed nerd who enjoys LARPing with his best friends, Jamal and Milo. When the Sohs move in next door, Sunny is lovestruck by their daughter, Cirrus. Sunny wants to impress her by being cool and confident (when he is neither of these things), and ends up tangled in a lie about being in a rock band that actually used to be his brother’s. Sunny has Jamal and Milo in on the plot to win over Cirrus, and next thing they know, their fake band is signed up for the school talent show. Sunny realizes that lying and keeping up this facade is tiring, but he’s in deep with his lie and even deeper in his feelings for Cirrus, and he doesn’t know how to come clean.

I loved Frankly In Love by David Yoon, so I pre-ordered this one with high expectations. I struggled to get into it, but it picked up momentum at the end. While the storyline didn’t do it for me this time, I liked the lessons that came with the resolution. I think many teens can relate to feeling like they need to change to fit in, having parents who work too much, doing crazy things to impress a special someone, and following in a sibling’s footsteps. Something David Yoon does really well is covering a multitude of topics and relatable issues in his books, and that always resonates with me as a reader.