A review by writeon_sl
Aussie Rules by Jill Shalvis


I was really digging this fun, easy read with enough suspense & mystery to keep me guessing when I realized something-- in the beginning it seemed like pretty much every time the main characters, Bo & Mel, started some sexy time, she would protest or ask him to stop, and Bo would ignore her protests and keep pushing until she gave in and said 'yes' because it was obvious she really wanted him. Sure Bo wasn't aggressive or forceful and if Mel had truly wanted him to stop I think he would have--but right there is the problem. A person's physical body can be into it, but if he or she is saying 'no,' then that should be it. No means no. End of story.

This kind of thing in books makes me crazy. It perpetuates dangerous ideas and blurs the lines of what consent really means. In Aussie Rules it isn't quite bad enough for me to write it off completely, but I'm definitely docking this one from 3 stars to 2.5 just for that nonsense (and a few other things, like repetitive phrasing.) I'd like to check out more from this author, but if questionable content like this pops up again? Yeah...I'm out.