A review by amylee218
Captivated & Entranced: An Anthology by Nora Roberts


These stories contained everything that I like about Nora Roberts.

I do believe that in Entranced we have the makings of Eve and Roarke. This story was published in 1992, [b:Naked in Death|479309|Naked in Death (In Death #1)|J.D. Robb|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1333326143l/479309._SY75_.jpg|1097497] in 1995. Mel is described as having a cap of messy hair that looked as if she hacked it herself with a pair of kitchen shears. She has a cleft in her chin. She lives in jeans and boots, doesn't feel comfortable with shopping or dressing up. If fact, the rich, smooth, gorgeous Sebastian even chooses her an outfit to fit the occasion and lays it out for her. Their interactions while he is helping her are so evocative of Eve and Roarke, right down to him being angry that she endangered herself and her being unable to express vulnerability and emotion.

Okay, I know that had nothing to do with reviewing this book, but I just wanted to comment on it.