A review by myntop
Reborn by Jennifer Rush


I really enjoyed this final book in the Altered series...of course now I know there are some novellas to read as well, so yay more Altered! The only thing I would change about this book is the loose ends. There is one character in particular that I would love to know what happened after the events in this novel.

I like that this book focused more on Nick, he's one of my favorite characters and I liked seeing more of his point of view here. I also really enjoyed the addition of Elizabeth and found her character to be very interesting. The alterations in her are so different from the others that it added a whole new depth to the story and a new kind of horror to what The Branch was capable of.

I really loved the ending...I want to get more specific here, but I keep my reviews spoiler free, so I will just reiterate that the ending was great.

I would recommend this book for anyone who loves futuristic thriller type books. Also, it has a very dystopian feel even though it's not exactly post-apocalyptic, so I think that fans of that genre would enjoy this series as well. Definitely start with Altered though, it's not a series that you can really jump around with.