A review by samanthawattam
The Affair of the Bloodstained Egg Cosy/The Affair of the Mutilated Mink/The Affair of the Thirthy-Nine Cufflinks: An Omnibus Edition by James Anderson


We all know that murder can be and often is a messy, violent and sordid affair but if you're like me you read books for escapism and enjoyment so sometimes it is nice to read a mystery novel that doesn't indulge in any unnecessary graphic descriptions but is just a good old fashioned mystery Agatha Christie style and this fits the bill nicely. And since I like the Daisy Dalrymple series I thought I might like this and I was right.

Set in the late 1930s, the UK Government set up a meeting with foreign dignitaries to discuss urgent talks at a quiet country house Alderley, the seat of Lord and Lady Burford, masked by a civilised country weekend party. But things don't go as planned.

A thoroughly good ripping story, interesting characters in a refined setting. And I did find it quite convoluted at times with all the comings and goings in the corridors and yes the ending was a surprise even to the last page. And if you are good sleuth (unlike me!) I think you could work out who did it but you'd have to have a good memory for all the facts and fitting them together.

PS: I thought it was a very smooth move having Algy Fotheringay in a coma for so long! A character who could have been just plain annoying becomes interesting.

I will definitely be reading the other 2 books in the series.