A review by boygirlparty
The Hospital Suite by John Porcellino


I read this book with tears streaming down my face. If you are prone to depression, have had any kind of mysterious illness or medical mystery, have seen a loved one suffer through medical treatment, or are simply a compassionate person, expect this one to hit you hard. Especially the eponymous story.

I have always loved the work of John P. and the deceptive simplicity of his work.
His work is so relatable; Reading it, he feels like a long lost friend.
And maybe it's that feeling of knowing him through the years -- combined with his perfect pitch story telling and simple, effective line work -- that affected me so much.

These stories are united by hospital visits, psychological issues, allergies, pain. Things that hurt just to read about.

It's a beautiful autobiographical graphic memoir (MariNaomi tells me this is the preferred terminology for non fiction comics) told in shorter vignettes about true helplessness, illness and depression; striving to find solace in simplicity, in religion, in acceptance, in self-imposed rules; change and recurrent themes in life.

"I guess I just need to act as if I'm going to survive." p.75
"Maisie… don't forget -- whatever happens -- my whole heart loves your whole heart…" to his cat. p. 78