A review by wordnerdy
In the Garden of Iden by Kage Baker



I’m still seeking out new series to get lost in, and I think this is going to be a winner, because I really liked this first one. The series is about the Company, who invented time travel (ish) and recruit children to turn into immortal cyborgs and save arts and things from getting lost in history. Our protagonist is a young botanist, formerly a little girl caught up in the Spanish Inquisition (so note that a lot of pretty anti-Jewish sentiment is expressed, though this book is not anti-Semitic by any means), and now on her first mission in 1500s England, where she decides mortals might not be so bad when she meets a handsome dude. I loved the narrative voice here, Baker does a great job at bringing in relevant historical events, and in general this is just a really fun read (aside from...a couple of things that are foreshadowed). Can’t wait to read the next one. A/A-.