A review by linzreadz13
Constant Craving: Book One by Tamara Lush


*4.5 Stars!

This was my first book by Tamara Lush and I’m so happy it was. It’s no secret that I’m a complete, and total sucker, for second chance romances. This was such a great one! I loved the backstory we receive right from the get-go with the prologue set 15 years in the past. It helps us to immediately become invested in the characters and find out what happened, why, and what’s going to happen next.

With the print industry rapidly declining, like in real life, Justine is trying to keep her beloved newspaper afloat. When Rafael comes back into her life, playing the hero part, she’s not quite sure how to handle it. Is he back in her life to really help her? Or is he back for some kind of revenge for the way things ended up in the past?

I absolutely loved Rafael and Justine as individual characters and as a couple. Their relationship was full of ups, downs, and even a lot of twists and turns. They both have a lot of baggage, things they need to move past in order to move on and have a future. Even after 15 years, their chemistry has not waned. If anything, it felt hotter, spicier, and more intense.

The addition of Rafael’s sweet talk, in Spanish no less, was brilliant. It took nothing to fall for him and rooting for his and Justine’s relationship. Yes, there are moments where I loved to hate him but overall he was caring, sweet, and oh so swoony!

I’m still in shock at how quickly I ate this book up. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. This book definitely left me wanting more. I wish more of an epilogue was given which is the reason I couldn’t give it a full 5 stars. I will definitely be going to check out Tamara’s other books!

If you’re looking for a hot, steamy, second chance romance, look no further! Go snatch this one up right now!

Grateful to have received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.