A review by bookmarked642
Blue Beetle, Vol. 1: The More Things Change by Keith Giffen


I really didn't know much about this comic before. All I knew about Blue Beetle is that my boyfriend pointed out how he, in Injustice 2, has a face like Groot. I just can't unsee it now.

Another teen hero - but one that was not raised into the role. Jaime Reyes has a strange beetle attached to his back, found by him and his friends. With the "help" of Ted Kord, Jaime goes into some pretty interesting scenarios, playing hero. And then Doctor Fate makes an appearance, warning them about the scarab being "unreliable". Extensive tests on Jaime bring to light what is happening to him.

He runs into The Posse, a gang who are well-acquainted with Jaime's mother. And then Mordecai shows up, threatening Mrs Reyes's life. But it's not her he's after.

I won't lie, I kind of had no idea what exactly was happening half the time. I liked the banter and humour in this - especially with Ted Kord - but I couldn't really keep up with the main plot. Maybe if I read more, I'll understand what's going on. I'm not sure. 3 stars for this.