A review by sleepygirlreads_
The Sound of Us by Julie Hammerle


Originally posted on Brit's Book Nook

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the copy in exchange for my honest review.

I was really excited to read this one. A girl goes off to opera camp for the summer, but there’s a snitch who gets people kicked out of the program so she must risk everything to get a scholarship. Sounds exciting, right?

It wasn’t that exciting. I thought it would be way more cut-throat but basically when the first guy got cut everyone just started following the rules all of the time, which meant that out main, Kiki, didn’t get to have late night jam sessions with her camp bf. Boohoo.

There were a few twists that were thrown in that did catch me off guard a little bit, which made up for the rest of the story since it was kind of boring.

I did like Kiki though. She was a strong character from the beginning despite the type of people she has in her life. She stayed true to herself and stood up for others. She’s quite inspiring.

The one thing that I didn’t like was that Kiki is a fan of this show called Project Earth and since the book was mentioning other pop culture that was real I thought that it was a real tv show, but it wasn’t. I especially didn’t like that because Kiki kept mentioning the “iconic red dress” that the star of the tv show wore but I never got an idea in my head of what it looked like since that was the only description.

I don’t think I would recommend this book. It was alright, but it wasn’t my favourite. It was a quick read though so it might be a good book for a challenge.